Tuesday, July 9, 2024

July 9th, 2024

 The other day a friend of mine told a lovely story about her father. She was replying to a story that I told on the Morning Chalkboard.

I came up with an idea for something that I want to add to this daily conversation that we have.
I call that section on the bottom right hand corner of the board, the Grabber Section. Its purpose is to grab your attention and add some extra color to the theme of the day.
Sometimes I’ll tell you if it is National “something or another” Day. Maybe it is International “this or that” Day.
My friend told a story about having applesauce and chocolate pudding with her father the night before he went to heaven.
I asked her what her Father’s name is and when he celebrated his birthday.
She told me and I came up with, “applesauce and chocolate pudding” Day. On August 24th, the Grabber section will announce this day. It will be special to my friend only, but since she is a part of our community, it will be special to us as well.
It isn’t a National or International Holiday… it is a Chalkboard Holiday.
This is a long term project that will take a couple years to make an impact on this daily therapeutic journey I’ve pursued.
With your help, with your stories, with the little things you post underneath the Chalkboard…
…I’m going to develop a calendar of events that will matter only to us. Our birthdays, our milestones, our triumphs and even our defeats.
Today is Tom Hanks’ Birthday. If he was a Chalkhead, we would be celebrating “see a mermaid” Day or “talking toy cowboy” Day.
I think December 5th was our buddy, John Wagner’s birthday. That will be “WagStrong” Day. That day will make twenty percent of the Chalkheads have a day that they can relate to.
In a couple years we will start recognizing the yearly events that means something special to just us.
If you told me about the time you barfed in a pool after too much Malort… it will be, “barf in a pool” Day.
If your mom called you “Pumpkinhead” when you were a kid. I’m going to ask you when your mom’s birthday was and make it “pumpkinhead” Day.
You are going to wonder what the next Chalkhead Holiday is everyday.
Something just for us, lived by us, cherished by us….
Today I marked the amount of days until the Bears first game in the Grabber. I could have made it, “Misery on the Midway” Day and all the Bear fans would know it’s the start of another mediocre season.
I will need your help and approval on this project.
My friend mentioned above, loved the idea and on August 24th she will wake up to a Morning Chalkboard that celebrates her Daddy’s Birfday,
“applesauce and chocolate pudding” day.
That day happens to be National Waffle Day, but Chalkheads will be celebrating with applesauce and chocolate pudding instead.
Alright…. Time to kickstart Tuesday. Looks like the remnants of that hurricane is coming up our way these next couple days.
I hope rain astonishes you.