Have you hired someone to narrate your life story? Morgan Freeman? Samuel L. Jackson? Hal Holbrook?
Actually, I think Hal Holbrook is dead. So he is out of the picture.
I had some insane dreams last night. There is a guy at work, Jack… Jack won’t eat a banana after five o’clock in the evening because he thinks bananas add a higher level of intensity to dreams.
Speaking of dreams… I hate it when I ask someone how they are doing and they sarcastically reply, “I’m living the dream!”
That is right up there with when I say “Thank You” to someone and they respond, “No problem!”
No Problem?
It better not be a problem. I only asked you to make me an Egg MacMuffin, that is your job. If you have a problem with it, you better see if Starbucks is hiring.
Now I’m completely off the subject I started to talk about. The narrator of your life story.
I like the voice of the guy who did “A Christmas Story.” I think he’s dead too, so he is a no go.
Does it even have to be a male narrator? I could go with a female narrator to tell my life story.
I’d like to have Angela Lansbury, but she is at the same place with Hal Holbrook and The “You’ll shoot your eye out kid” Guy.
I could get Whoopi Goldberg. A black woman telling a story is popular right now. That might be the way to go.
I’m going with Whoopi and now I need a director. For me that is easy, David Mamet. He’s a Chicago guy that likes to use curse words.
I’m all set this early Monday morning, the last Monday of July in the year of Christ, 2024.
Let’s finish and begin these summer months this week with passion and hard work….
….and astonishment