Tuesday, May 31, 2022

May 31st, 2022

 Spring will soon finish painting her Summer portrait. The progress so far has been glorious.

All sunsets are different throughout the year. All set at different angles and slots along the horizon, but Steinbeck separates these sundown's apart from the rest of the year.
These were the evenings as kids that we could test our parents patience with the street lights.
“I told you to have your butt in this house when those street lights clicked on John!”
Man I’d love to have my mom and dad ground me for being out late tonight.
I could see the look on my boss’s face when I call in tomorrow.
“Hi…. Uh….. Gary…… this is John Shepley. I wont be in for work the rest of the week… my parents grounded me last night for playing ‘Ghosts in the Graveyard’ after the street lights went on.”
This time of the year the breezes blow across the fresh grass and through the soft leaves. Everything is still fresh off of Spring. The sun slowly sets at that northern angle in early June.
When the sun gets close to the southern angle of December it doesn’t waste time saying goodnight… at 4:27pm.
So cherish these late sunsets!
Street lights go on around 8:20pm tonight.
Today is National Smile Day.
Every morning after I brush my teeth I do Fifty Smile Ups…. Smile fifty times in the mirror… it strengthens your smile/frown line and tightens your crows feet.
At our age a good set of crows feet compliment the twinkle in our eyes when we smile!
Farewell May of 2022….

May 30th, 2022

 The official start of the Summer of ‘22.

Fritz just woke up so I’m off to make pancakes.
Use sunscreen today and enjoy yourself….

May 29th, 2022

 A late Memorial Day weekend makes a huge difference in weather.

How many times have we complained that the pool just opened and it’s fifty four degrees?
Well it’s going to be hot today so lather up the sunscreen…
Race Day in Indy… I always root for TK, but like many of the sports I follow….I miss the good old days.
I’d do anything to hear Tom Carnegie call the race on my Gramma’s radio and listen to my mom complain that Mario Andretti was already out for the day.
I’ve always been a guy born in Chicago, but a little piece of my heart will always be back home again in Indiana.
Today’s Chalkboard has a special effect of the moonlight on the word Wabash…. It’s an ancient Chinese secret!

May 28th, 2022

 This weekend we remember and give thanks to those that lost their lives for their country.

Men and women, Christian and Jewish… Black, Latino, Caucasian and Asian.
FROM all makes of American life FOR all makes of American life.
They all lost their life for America…
…they all lost their life for us.
This country came apart during the Civil War. Fought again against each other during the Civil Rights era.
Today we find ourselves in another Civil Fight. A time that I would call the “Civil Schism” Era.
The men and women that died for our country sure as hell didn’t die so we can rip ourselves apart.
We owe them a better reason for giving up their life….
I know this has turned into a rare political and social rant on The Morning Chalkboard
We owe it to those that we Memorialize this weekend!
End of ranting……
Speaking of a house divided or a sports city divided….
Crosstown Classic Weekend!
Southside versus Northside.
Grabowski’s versus the Winthrop’s.
The Blue Ladies versus The Pale Hose…
No matter what team you rally for or despise more….
Let’s all agree on one thing….
…. that the Bears and Blackhawks are rebuilding!

Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27th, 2022

 “Night and day, you are the one only you 'neath the moon or under the sun”

Are you a night owl? Are you a morning person? Do you prefer the sunrise or the sunset?
I’ve definitely become my dad. I’ve become a morning person with older age.
Nothing good happens after 9:00pm was the slogan at my house. Back then nothing good started until after nine o’clock!
Do yourself a favor and get up early, drive to Lake Michigan and watch the sun come up. Watch it sparkle over the water and then turn around and look at the reflection of the morning sun on the city.
I try doing it four times a year. Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Each season shines a different angle off the lake and over the city. Each season has a personality of their own.
I promise it’s worth the experience.
Today is National Cooler Day… I haven’t bucked up for a modern day fancy pants cooler. I still tote my old coolers that have great memories.
I was always the big guy that was obliged to carry the cooler at the 500, into Bluesfest, onto the beach.
Always have a friend who can carry the cooler!
Memorial Day Weekend…. Barbecue, bourbon, baseball, beer, booty and boobies… but more importantly….
Give thanks to the men and women that gave their lives so we can eat ribs, drink Jack Daniels, go to the ballpark, enjoy a can of beer and cherish the curves of love!
Thank you for our American Soldier.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

May 26th, 2022

      When you walk out that front door there aren’t that many people out there that think you are special.

Not many of them know your mom is in hospice care or your dad broke his hip. They don’t know that you have a son mixed up with drugs or a daughter on the autistic spectrum.
I can here my dad yell out as I walk out the door, “Son, the world doesn’t give two shits for John Shepley.”
Almost everyone who crosses my path on this last Thursday of May has an issue weighing them down.
My job, OUR job is to help them carry that weight…. approach everyone with care and understanding.

Life is definitely not fair, but like Joe Walsh once said, “life’s been good to me so far!”
As the country mourns the murders of school children in Texas…
Chicago is saddened by the story of Joe Kromelis. He is known as “The Walking Man.”
Earlier this week an assclown poured a flammable liquid on Joe while he slept on the sidewalk on Lower Wabash.
Third degree burns on 70% of his body. He’s in critical condition up at Northwestern.
Life wasn’t fair to Joe, but he made the best of it. For many years he walked up and down the streets in the Loop. He became a fixture in many Chicagoan’s weekly routine.
Many people thought the Walking Man was a special person. He’s dying in a hospital bed… that sucks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

May 25th, 2022

          I never bought into the half empty/half full glass of water bullcrap.

Either you’re in a shitty mood or you’ve learned to deal with the daily shitshow!
When I was down in the dumps my Oldman would usually say to me, “Alright, don’t give me your ‘woe is me’ bullshit!”
And then he would lead by example.
Get a running start and blast through the problem you face and prepare for the next one.
I’ve learned it’s more important to appreciate the good things when they come along.
That’s what makes me optimistic!
This week I appreciate the bushes by my front stoop. They flower for about ten days a year. They smell gorgeous and they give me optimism…
Because I appreciate that they bloom for ME every May.

Bloom for someone today!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

May 24th, 2022

    Why wait for tomorrow when today is perfect to drive with the windows down and Steve Miller cranked to eleven?

You know it’s a great day when you’re hitting every note, you know every lyric and the grandparents in the Buick at the stop light start singing along!
Nana is speaking of the pompatus of love! When the light turns green and PaPa peals out singing “I’m a smoker, I’m a midnight toker…”
Life is freaking good!
Today’s quote is from founding father, Benji Frank.
It’s an easy one. Don’t Procrastinate!
But, what the hell is The pompatus of love?
I always thought it was that giddy feeling you get when you kiss someone for the first time and you feel the tingglies. It’s that awkward period when “who says it first” is anticipated.
Everyone go out today and be a Space Cowboy, be a gangster of love!
If you know Maurice… call him and say, “well, don’t you worry baby, don’t worry… cause I’m right here, right here, right here, right here at home!”
I wrote down May 24th on the chalkboard, stepped back and realized this year is booking… don’t wait until tomorrow!

We can wait for tomorrow and talk about "Booking."
In 1979 we were booking everywhere. We booked to our little league game, the Ice cream truck and school. We even had to book to eight o'clock mass!
"I got to book man! It's time to buy wheat low and sell beans high!"

Monday, May 23, 2022

May 23rd, 2022

Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie died due to long term exposure to radiation. She continued her work after her husband died knowing she was not far behind.
Today’s quote comes from Marie Curie. She didn’t let her fear stop her from continuing to better the world.
Everyday we approach the unknown not knowing what the day will bring.
So don’t fear the reaper and Monday Up!
2022 is moving quickly… enjoy the end of May!

From Wikipedia: She was interred at the cemetery in Sceaux, alongside her husband Pierre. Sixty years later, in 1995, in honour of their achievements, the remains of both were transferred to the Paris Panthéon. Their remains were sealed in a lead lining because of the radioactivity.
Because of their levels of radioactive contamination, her papers from the 1890s are considered too dangerous to handle. Even her cookbooks are highly radioactive. Her papers are kept in lead-lined boxes, and those who wish to consult them must wear protective clothing.

May 22nd, 2022

 Have you ever noticed the leaves when they first arrive in spring?

It’s like when you put new sheets and pillowcases on the bed.
They are fresh and soft. When the wind catches them they gently dance on the branch.
The leaves exploded this last week and are tucked tightly on the mattress and pillow.
Though the leaves add beauty to the neighborhood, they block the building across the street.
I bid farewell to “Topless Yoga Girl” until November. I hope she resigns her lease this year.
I wonder if she will miss chubby guy who stands on his balcony naked during every full moon?
Don’t worry love. The Frost Moon is on November 8th this year. It’s worth resigning your lease for.
It’s actually going to be a beautiful autumn day in Chicagoland today.
The Sox are still in New York. Today they have a doubleheader against those hated Bronx Bombers.
The Cubs play a team called the Diamondbacks. I’m not sure where they come from. I don’t follow any expansion teams after 1977.
In the perfect JumboWorld the NFL has 28 teams, the MLB 26, NHL 18 and NBA 22.
In the perfect world I could go find 17 guys and pick up a baseball game after breakfast. I’m Willie Stargell!
After lunch we play Smear the Queer. I’m Earl Campbell and just before dinner a game of Basketball . I’m George McGinnis!
Just another tricky day in the Triple D of Riverside. Walk along a river with someone you love today!

After Twenty Five years another Trading floor Closes.

 A couple of my friends posted this picture overnight.

Yesterday was the final trading day for the last remaining pit on the 1997 Bondroom floor.
February of 1997 we traded on that floor for the first time. I was thirty years old, hungover and tired from a weekend in New Orleans.
We moved from the original grain floor built in 1929 located in the front of The Chicago Board of Trade into this obsolete monstrosity.
The last decade of the 20th century saw the last hit at old Comiskey. The last power play goal at the Chicago Stadium and the last Limit Up under the statue of Ceres.
I stood on this floor when Islamic Terrorists attacked America on a Tuesday in September of 2001. This was the floor where the CBOT merged with the merc.
I met the mother of my children on this trading floor and a chapter of my career abruptly ended in that room because of ChinaFlu.
I don’t miss this floor anymore. I miss the people that lived on it with me. I miss being younger and stronger. Dumber and cockier… I miss making funny signals with my hands and wearing a colorful trading jacket.
Farewell to another Chicago icon… it was a beautiful run.

May 21st, 2022

 My dad wasn’t very nice most of the time, but he was a good man.

Many nice people that I’ve met through my life turned out not to be very good characters.
It takes years to figure out the true identities of the people that cross our path.
I just erased three paragraphs on racism, bitchy girls, fake news and evangelicals.
I was going nowhere with it…
We all have our moments of being dickheads and douchebags, but in general we are good people.
I guess I’m doing alright being an occasional assclown with a good heart.
It’s a rainy Saturday morning. The birds are singing through the raindrops. The grayness is blocking out any attempt at a glorious sunrise.
The weather might not be nice today, but it’s still gonna be a good day…
It’s a good day to drive to the hot dog stand with someone that you love and spill mustard on your shirt.

May 20th, 2022

 It’s Friday Baby… take a leap of faith this weekend…

Pharmaceutical and Political commercials are littering television. Go outside and throw a frisbee around… plant some flowers or go to a ballgame.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 19th, 2022

        Driving to work this morning on a damp, cold and humid Thursday morning I got a two pack of Bob Seger on two different stations.

Turned on the Drive97.1 and heard “Against the Wind.” XRT was playing a band I dislike so I flipped to 94.7WLS and heard “Still the Same.”
This isn’t very important, but at least I’m not earwormed with “Turn the Page.”
This morning I woke up and found a half dozen beef stick wrappers in the garbage can.
I’m looking forward to the rap of bullshit that I will receive from George Shepley.
At least the 2022 version of George threw the evidence in the trash bin. The 2020 George would have hid them.
When HE wakes up and sees the chalkboard, he will be blessed with todays quote.
Our ballclubs still flirt with mediocrity… could be worse. Always could be worse.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 18th, 2022

 I just deleted four paragraphs of mumbo jumbo…..

Everyday we make decisions that can change the direction of the day, the week, the month, the rest of the year and the rest of our lives.
Take the advice of Miles Dalby …
“Sometimes you gotta say, what the fuck! Make your move Joel....”
The other day Fritz asked me what my favorite song was of all time…
I told him I wouldn’t limit myself to just one song. To many different genres, eras, styles.
But I heard a song from the 1980’s that reminds me of a time period when I was making some pretty big decisions. It's one of my favorites.
“The wisdom of a fool won’t set you free, but that’s the way that it goes and it’s what nobody knows… we’ll, every day my confusion grows.”

May 17th, 2022

 During the work week I listen to WFMT softly during the night.

Around 3:12am my mom decided to stop by and tell me hello. During her visit the “Ave Maria” by Franz Schubert started playing on the little radio on my nightstand.
She told me to suck it up and work harder. One slip up can do unimaginable damage and that my concentration level sucks.
The whole time she’s busting my balls the “Hail Mary” is playing on the radio!
I can’t make this up!
Maybe the handful of Doritos before bedtime was a stupid idea?
This week is May in May. So enjoy it before July in May or March in May returns….
Bears open up at Soldiers against the 9ers…. Sunday, September 11th.

May 16th, 2022

 Did you see that Full Moon last night?

Today is National Barbecue Day… I could go for a slab of Zebs with the mambo sauce! How many of my Indianapolis friends knew about Zebs?
It’s going to be a beautiful Monday… you do you!

May 15th, 2022

 “Can we go into Chicago Dad?”

I’ve been asked this question a lot lately.
Before Covid I’d take the Shepkids for a jaunt into Chicago and show them the things my dad showed me years ago.
Then Covid, Lori Lightfoot and a Chicago Police Department that has been trimmed by 1600 officers since 2020 happened.
So the painful reply is, “I’m not going into Chicago without a plan.”
It kills me that I’m scared to take the kids in for a Maxwell Polish sausage
Or down to 31st beach
Or Maggie Daley Park
Or the Lower Wacker BillyGoat.
Or Chinatown
My dad would tell me to be in his car in five minutes ago.
And we’d go off on an adventure!
Today we are looking for bakeries… Today we are going to find a shoe store, a hat store, a cigar shop.
This morning you are taking a driving lesson.
Leave Oak Park taking the Eisenhower to lower Wacker Drive. Come up from Lower Wacker and get on Lake Street. Take Lake Street back to Oak Park… The Don Shepley Driving academy.
Let’s find German restaurants today.
We are searching for evidence of old street car lines this morning.
Let’s see if we can find old taverns with Schlitz globes in the facade.
Hot dog stands, ice cream and malted shops, soul food restaurants, fried shrimp joints, chili bars…. My dad knew where they were and he passed his knowledge on to me. The whole time explaining the Chicago Grid.
I’m scared shitless to take my kids on the old Don Shepley journeys.
Do I blame Lori Lightfoot for MY fear to journey into the city by the lake?
She will probably be gone next year, but the problems left behind will take years to rehabilitate.
Things were better when Mr. Accardo and Mayor Daley ran things.

May 14th, 2022

 When Mark Grace played baseball for the Northside team he’d have an occasional slump.

So the first baseman would go to a bar and find a girl in Wrigley and take her home. She’d be his SlumpBuster!
Grace retired with a .303 average and 2500 hits… not a bad career.
Sometimes we all need a SlumpBuster! We probably don’t go to Murphies Bleachers and search for Stacey from Schaumburg, but right now that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
If you’re in a slump… bust it up and start a new streak!
Today is the kind of day that we will all go 3-5, get a couple RBI’s and help the team win!
So many of you girls out there are Dog Moms…. Today is your day!

May 13th, 2022

 Get the popcorn out it’s Friday the 13th.

I’m with Stevie Wonder on this day, Superstition aint the way.
Today is just another hot May Day and our baseball teams are mediocre to crappy at best.
Sticking with todays quote I’m going to tell you a joke that Hazel told me recently….
“Dad…. What are Michael Jackson’s pronouns?”
“I’m not sure Hazel? What?”
“HE, HE!”
Don’t forget to keep your nooks and crannies powdered up today… hot fun under the sun!

May 12th, 2022

 Timing is everything…. what if?

What if Arnold was working the cash register when that asshole customer demanded a refund?
Brad Hamilton wouldn’t have gotten fired!
Life is all about timing. Being at the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time.
Throw in a little luck, maybe a lottery ticket and a good SAT score and things can work out for the better.
Then reality sets in and you’re walking down the street and it starts to rain. Your umbrella is next to your raincoat in the front foyer of your house.
I gave up on good timing and relied on being a creature of habit… having a routine and sticking by it.
Don’t mess with my routine or my timing is off and suddenly it becomes Mercury Retrograde.
Right now my timing and routine are Funked up and I really need a hurricane at Pat O’Briens or a Sazarac at the Carousel Bar in Hotel MonteLeone.
Today is National Limerick Day so I’ll leave you with a good one….
There was a young lady named Sally,
Who enjoyed the occasional dally.
She sat on the lap
Of a well-endowed chap,
And cried “Sir! You’re right up my alley!”

May 11th, 2022

 Nice little heat wave we are having this week… don’t worry, Christmas is just 228 days away.

Not much to say this morning. This week is not only hot, but busier than normal having the Shepkids hanging around…
Yesterday was bring your Hazel to the trading floor day. One of our brokers was called a bad name by his market maker… so Hazel experienced a gorgeous argument.
Powder up today… it’s July in May! Last week was March in May… when will it be May in May?

May 10th, 2022

 Day two of getting up early and going to work late! Lunches packed, breakfast prepped, clothes laid out…

….and the notes written.
Tuesday is always a great day! It’s already May 10th! It will be really hot today, so drink a ton of wa wa!
Be confident today! Be kind, be happy, be strong!
Love Dad
Today is going to be very hot! So drink a lot of water…
Today is Tuesday the 10th of May. Your 13th birthday is in 107 days… Keep Calm and be Fritz!
Love Dad
Take that GoldBond that I put in your book bag and keep your balls and thighs dry today. Don’t come home smelling like testosterone.
Love, Big dude who will always be able to kick your butt!
I’m packing a lunch for my third grade daughter and my closest friends are bringing their daughters home from college this week!
Fortunately I can say I enjoyed the 1990’s while they changed diapers!
I had a much better time hot tubbing with the Houston Oiler cheerleaders in Vegas!
Hot weather is upon us… boob sweat, ball sweat and air conditioning… you got this!
Happy Tuesday!

May 9th, 2022

 “Even though we ain’t got money, I’m so in love with you honey….”

The older I get the more I realize I don’t need so many toys. That kind of started when I packed my parents for heaven and all that was left fit into a couple boxes.
Today I got up early and packed three lunches and I’m going to make three breakfasts. I wrote three notes for Monday, May 9th and I’m gonna hug and kiss three kids this morning.
That’s all I got. That’s all I need… I get to be a dad this week. Not just on a weekend or a Wednesday night.
I get to be the one who says “I love you, be kind, be happy!”
That’s all I need. The Shepkids won’t be able to put that in a box sometime in the 2050’s. They won’t be able to shove today May9th into a closet.
I have an abundance of memories to make and I’m going to enjoy doing it.
Here comes the heat everyone wanted… GoldBond weather this week. Powder the thighs, the booty and the nooks that sweat….

May 8th, 2022

 I talk about my mom often.

So today I want to give a shout out to all those mom’s that were there supporting each other. They knew it took a village to raise Generation X.
The mom’s that watched us when our mom had to work late. The team mom that made sure we had Gatorades. The chaperone mom that kept her count and kept her head through “99 bottles of beer on the wall…”
These mom’s cared for us forty five minutes. They cared for us during a losing season. They cared for us on long weekends and they cared for us on bus trips to Lincoln Park Zoo.
Those are the moms in our lives that helped our moms hold It together. It might have been a short period, but it lasted our lifetime.
I give thanks to those Moms today.
I also want to give a shout out to Single Mommies.
My mom became one when I was in fourth grade. It was tough for her. The Shepkids have a single mom who is having a hard time.
I’ve dated some single moms since I started Exile East of Mannheim Road. I remember my dad and His railroad buddies joking about divorced women being like used cars… why take on another man’s problems.
That hit me hard… my mom wasn’t a fucking used car!
Though I’ll stick with that theory. I love my 1997 Chevy Blazer. It’s built for comfort. It gets me to work. It gets me to the Shepkids, the grocery, Binny’s, the newspaper stand, sometimes Sox Park… it gets me from point A to point B.
So single mommies… I appreciate you and the strength that you have getting from point A to point B all on your own.
Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!