Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 12th, 2022

 Timing is everything…. what if?

What if Arnold was working the cash register when that asshole customer demanded a refund?
Brad Hamilton wouldn’t have gotten fired!
Life is all about timing. Being at the right place at the right time or the wrong place at the wrong time.
Throw in a little luck, maybe a lottery ticket and a good SAT score and things can work out for the better.
Then reality sets in and you’re walking down the street and it starts to rain. Your umbrella is next to your raincoat in the front foyer of your house.
I gave up on good timing and relied on being a creature of habit… having a routine and sticking by it.
Don’t mess with my routine or my timing is off and suddenly it becomes Mercury Retrograde.
Right now my timing and routine are Funked up and I really need a hurricane at Pat O’Briens or a Sazarac at the Carousel Bar in Hotel MonteLeone.
Today is National Limerick Day so I’ll leave you with a good one….
There was a young lady named Sally,
Who enjoyed the occasional dally.
She sat on the lap
Of a well-endowed chap,
And cried “Sir! You’re right up my alley!”