This weekend we remember and give thanks to those that lost their lives for their country.
Men and women, Christian and Jewish… Black, Latino, Caucasian and Asian.
FROM all makes of American life FOR all makes of American life.
They all lost their life for America…
…they all lost their life for us.
This country came apart during the Civil War. Fought again against each other during the Civil Rights era.
Today we find ourselves in another Civil Fight. A time that I would call the “Civil Schism” Era.
The men and women that died for our country sure as hell didn’t die so we can rip ourselves apart.
We owe them a better reason for giving up their life….
I know this has turned into a rare political and social rant on The Morning Chalkboard
We owe it to those that we Memorialize this weekend!
End of ranting……
Speaking of a house divided or a sports city divided….
Crosstown Classic Weekend!
Southside versus Northside.
Grabowski’s versus the Winthrop’s.
The Blue Ladies versus The Pale Hose…
No matter what team you rally for or despise more….
Let’s all agree on one thing….
…. that the Bears and Blackhawks are rebuilding!