Tuesday, May 31, 2022

May 31st, 2022

 Spring will soon finish painting her Summer portrait. The progress so far has been glorious.

All sunsets are different throughout the year. All set at different angles and slots along the horizon, but Steinbeck separates these sundown's apart from the rest of the year.
These were the evenings as kids that we could test our parents patience with the street lights.
“I told you to have your butt in this house when those street lights clicked on John!”
Man I’d love to have my mom and dad ground me for being out late tonight.
I could see the look on my boss’s face when I call in tomorrow.
“Hi…. Uh….. Gary…… this is John Shepley. I wont be in for work the rest of the week… my parents grounded me last night for playing ‘Ghosts in the Graveyard’ after the street lights went on.”
This time of the year the breezes blow across the fresh grass and through the soft leaves. Everything is still fresh off of Spring. The sun slowly sets at that northern angle in early June.
When the sun gets close to the southern angle of December it doesn’t waste time saying goodnight… at 4:27pm.
So cherish these late sunsets!
Street lights go on around 8:20pm tonight.
Today is National Smile Day.
Every morning after I brush my teeth I do Fifty Smile Ups…. Smile fifty times in the mirror… it strengthens your smile/frown line and tightens your crows feet.
At our age a good set of crows feet compliment the twinkle in our eyes when we smile!
Farewell May of 2022….