Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11th, 2024

 I sat in Ceres with a bunch of numbskulls and got shitfaced. It was an afternoon sometime in the late nineties. I had a date later that night with a girl that I had known since the mid-eighties.

I continued to drink martinis and smoke cigars with the guys from the trading floor when I knew I had a date later in the evening.
There came a point between drinks when I realized I was in no condition to make this date.
I didn’t show up and the rest is history. I never went on a date with that girl again.
Who knows what would have happened if I didn’t go down for that quick drink after work? Just one cocktail that turned into an epic session of Board of Trade debauchery.
I’ve made a habit of choosing curtain two when I originally picked curtain one. Making plans to do this and going off to do that.
I’ll never know what opportunities I missed out on because I didn’t show up.
Did I miss out on a job opportunity or a new friendship? Did I hurt a friendship or lose out on a relationship?
Some decisions that I’ve made could have changed the trajectory of my life. I’ll never know…
I can’t have regrets about it, because I did show up for the things that got me where I’m at today.
Hazel and I were watching the documentary on the the Veeck family last night. Today’s quote was something Bill Veeck told his son.
His son was the guy who pulled off “Disco Demolition” at Comiskey in 1979.
Was that a bad decision? It changed the trajectory of his life.
I might not own a dozen minor league baseball clubs, but I do have the Shepkids, a thirty-five year career, a nice home and a killer mode of transportation.
I got all of that by just showing up.
Hey….. good days, bad day!
We gotta get through them and tough it out.
Hindsight tells me I probably should have blown off my wedding.
But hindsight doesn’t tell me what the other outcome could have been.
We will never have the benefit of knowing what could have been…
…so never waste time thinking about “Could have.”
Alright, let’s turn off this Dr. Phil episode of the Morning Chalkboard and get back to some JumboLove.
I think today is a perfect day for a bowl of Gumbo with Jumbo. All we gotta do is show up.
One last thing…
Thank goodness the Pilgrims and Indians showed up for dinner. Their dinner date has given me my favorite holiday, which is one hundred and forty days away.
Okay Chalkheads… be like Marvin and let’s get it on.