Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27th, 2024

 Some mornings I wake up with that tinnitus in my ears. It drives me batty.

This morning is one of those batty wake ups.
I was thinking about ranting more about Twitter and the media shitshow. I was going to talk about trying to finally understand Bob Dylan after all these years. I was also trying to put together an essay on a line I thought about during my early morning piss, “Have you ever thought about the trajectory of your life?”
I don’t want to talk about Elon’s platform or a folk music icon or the philosophy of our existence.
I don’t want to chalk about anything of substance this morning.
I like to keep a running total of the days I’ve spent living in a material world. That number in the grabber section is the number for July 27, 2024. All you gotta do is ask Siri how many days it has been since the day you were born and voilĂ .
21,211 is how many days it’s been since I met my parents in the summer of 1966. My mom took off for heaven on day 18,207 and the Oldman left me on day 19,818.
I went to my first White Sox game, that I can remember on day 1,781. My first Bear game on day 2,298 and my first Blackhawks game a month or so later on day 2,349.
I played my last organized game of baseball on day 5,133 days, lost my virginity on day 6,196 and I walked on the trading floor of the Chicago Board of Trade for the first time on day 7,441.
I’d like to get in another 10,000 days. That would get me close to eighty five years of learning how to play the piano.
I’m going into the city to see a show at the Goodman today with a friend that I met on day 8,467.
If we learned anything today on the Morning Chalkboard, it’s how days pile up quickly as we get older.
Getting older, not growing old!
Have a fanfuckingtastic day and be true to your school, just like you would to your girl or guy.