I’ve dreaded today’s Morning Chalkboard all summer. It is the first one with a sunset before eight o’clock. We won’t see another late sunset until next May. Two hundred and seventy seven days from now.
I forgot to go over to the White Hen and get a lottery ticket last night. So I bought one over the app. I didn’t get the email saying that I won a billion dollars.
So off to work I go.
Speaking of work… it’s been a rough week and it’s only Wednesday. We had some good news and some bad news. The good news at our trading office is the smartest person we work with is having a baby in January.
The bad news is one of our brokers, who we assumed has been on vacation, is in a hospital bed.
This week we are at five hundred with a win and a loss. I’ve enjoyed work Wednesdays this summer. Fritz and Hazel get dropped off right before the close and witness dad attempting the last remnants of open outcry trading.
We still scream and shout bids and offers during the day. We just don’t wear trading jackets and we don’t have to sneak food onto the trading floor.
This morning I’ll pray Tiffany has a flawless pregnancy and T-pop gets put back together. Let me know if you need me to mention something to heaven. I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older that the power of prayer works.
I gotta go look for the moon. Yesterday morning when I was walking over to Betty the Green Blazer I saw Jupiter snuggled up to the half lit satellite.
Always take the time to look at the moon. It’s good therapy.