I wanted to spend some time this morning on the balcony to howl at the full moon. It hung perfectly south of my perch just after three o’clock. Unfortunately the clouds got in my way.
Fortunately the breeze pushed the clouds quickly and created several moments where the moon peaked through. Every full moon is unique, but this one is something special. It’s a blue moon and also a super moon. We’ve actually had two super moons this month. We will all be fourteen years older the next time this occurs. 2037 seems so far away, but it’s as close as 2010.
Doesn’t seem so far away when you look at it that way.
The moon will be magnificent again on Wednesday night. It will plop out of Lake Michigan around 7:45 tonight and settle over Naperville Thursday morning as the sun makes its appearance in the opposite sky.
I’d give anything to be in an open field Thursday morning. Watching the moon float past and the sun flaring up. Fill up my dad’s Coleman thermos with strong coffee and gaze at the sky.
Unfortunately I have a lunch to make for George and Betty and I have to go to work. In 2036 I’ll be in a field watching the blue super moon. Hopefully I’ll be above the ground when the world spins the sky.