Bruce Springsteen was in town this week. Wrigley Field hasn’t seen that many hits since May of 1979. That was a Thursday afternoon when the Cubs and Phillies combined for fifty hits and a final score of 23-22.
Forty Four years ago!
Probably about the same time when Springsteen was at his best. His first six albums from “Asbury Park” to “Nebraska” were solid masterpieces.
Then he put out an album everyone bought and suddenly the money was for nothing and the chicks were free. Mtv took the reigns from the Boss and video killed the radio star.
Let’s drive down LSD from Wrigley and head to Soldiers. I wish it was still 1979. That would mean Number Thirty Four would be squaring up against Number Thirty Four.
Today the Nashville Tigers are in town to scrimmage the Chicago Bears. If this was 1979 it would be the Houston Oilers against the Chicago Bears and two of my boyhood idols would be playing.
Walter Payton and Earl Campbell.
Life was stress free when I was doing the E Street Shuffle, listening to Cub games on WGN radio and watching Payton fly and Earl bulldoze.
Because that is what those number thirty fours did. Their styles were completely different, but the results incredible.
Earl Campbell went through defenders and Walter Payton slid around them.
In 1979 Walter and Earl hung over my dresser. Springsteen hung over my turntable and Farrah hung over my bed.
I need Doc to show up with the DeLorean and take me back to 1979.
Wrigley and Soldier Field were still gorgeous wrecks and Bruce played at the Uptown Theater to a couple thousand fans.