When I was a kid my mom moved me from a sad home in Chicago to a sad home in Broad Ripple. Broad Ripple is a neighborhood on the northside of Indianapolis where my Gramma lived.
I started jogging to escape the sadness surrounding my mom. At first it was to go out and look for trouble, but it turned out to be time alone to get things sorted out.
I’d run up and down the streets between Kessler Boulevard and Broad Ripple Avenue. Sometimes I’d run around the cinder track at Chatard High School.
I was in pretty good shape for a Husky Kid, but I always had to return back to the sadness.
The last couple months I’ve noticed a tattooed man jogging up and down my street. I’d say this guy is anywhere between thirty eight and forty five. Arms, shoulders and legs covered with tattoos.
When I first noticed him in early spring he was more round and very slow. These last couple weeks he is more pointy and gliding a little quicker.
Usually when I see Tattoo Runner I’m sitting on my ass with something in my mouth.
“Man…. There goes Tattoo Runner again!”
Why do I keep seeing Tattoo Runner and why the fuck does he keep jogging past my home?
On Sunday I saw him jogging down my street. I was climbing into Betty the Green Blazer to get the Sunday paper at the newsstand.
I hurried Betty up and we caught the Tattoo Runner at the corner. I pulled to the side and yelled, “Hey buddy, hold up for a second!”
I got out of Betty and Tattoo Runner took out his earbuds. I told him how inspiring it has been to witness his journey. He smiled when I told him it’s noticeable how better he looks. He thanked me and put his earbuds back in and rumbled off.
Betty and I drove to the newsstand and the European bakery on Cermak. I got the Tribune and a danish. Tattoo Runner just completed another lap when we pulled back in front of my balcony.
I went upstairs, out of breath by the time I made my third floor flat and threw my danish in the trash. I got on Amazon and ordered a pair of running shoes and some compression socks.
I’m tired of carrying groceries up the stairs and feeling old when I put them on the counter. I’d also like to see more than the tip when I take my morning piss.
I’m following Tattoo Runner and I’m going to crack some sidewalks in Riverside. I’m still going to be a Husky Kid, but at least I won’t have a grabber when I’m putting my groceries away.
Someday I’ll sing “Moonriver” to an embarrassed adult Hazel.
…and I’ll thank Tattoo Runner for giving me the incentive.
God gives us Tattoo Runners for a reason. Today is the first day of August and the beginning of the rest of this life. Maybe I’ll be able to run sharp pass patterns at The TurkeyBowl this year because of Tattoo Runner?
Have a great month and tonight… let’s all get together and look at the moon.