I went to a drive thru with the redheads yesterday afternoon. Right away Hazel asked if we could eat in the car. Fritz was cool with the idea, but I forgot to pee before we left my office. I wasn’t to keen on this plan.
Until Hazel said how much fun it was on Saturday eating Parky’s hotdogs in Betty the Green Blazer. I’m a grown man… I think I can hold a leak for another forty minutes.
“What was so fun about sitting in the car eating hotdogs in the rain?”
I thought last weekend kind of sucked because it rained most of the time. I didn’t realize I created an instant memory with two of my children.
I have so many fond memories of sitting in the car with my dad eating lunch and listening to the radio.
Just after my parents divorced, my dad and I grabbed White Castles and ate them outside of Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery. It was a rainy autumn afternoon and this was one of the first adventures we took on a Dad Weekend.
We didn’t see any ghosts, but I was still scared shitless. Luckily I was with the strongest man in the world. If any goblins or spirits showed up, my Oldman would be able to protect me.
Yesterday I pulled Betty the Green Blazer into a parking lot. We backed into a spot under a big shade tree and Hazel and Fritz had their lunch.
Right away Hazel opened the glovebox and set her table. Fritz lowered the chair next to him and positioned his food. I didn’t even think about popping the backseat down for an impromptu picnic bench. These kids were already prepared for their impromptu lunch.
We sat there and listened to WDCB and made more memories. We made it home and I ran my fat ass up the stairs and pissed like a race horse.
Today is World Lion Day. I’m pretty fortunate to live five blocks from Brutus and Titus. I enjoy sitting out on the balcony and hear them roar with my morning coffee.
Go out and make today a great memory… like the Steinbeck quote suggests today… life has good days that seem a lot better on the bad days.