I saw this Anne Frank quote and thought it would be easy to come up with a good post. When it came time to get creative I was left with a brain fart.
I can’t remember how old I was when I read her diary. I had to be in junior high school, a Catholic school in the late 1970’s. That was when I first learned of the horror of the holocaust.
This little girl finished her final years of life in a crawl space with her family and then a concentration camp.
How can I match her strength and courage on the Tuesday Chalkboard? The last one of the month.
I made my cup of coffee and walked out on the balcony for my early morning stretch. Just beyond my block is the river and then First Avenue.
First Avenue is loud and obnoxious. The speed limit is forty so the traffic zooms past at fifty to sixty. The average rush hour brings sirens and car horns. Trucks belching loud sounds of diesel and sports cars screeching their tires and blasting their crap music. It’s an ugly congested reminder of road rage.
Just on the other side of this busy thoroughfare is the zoo…
…with my strong coffee and the last chill of February I can still find beauty. 1st avenue has a slight hum at three fifteen in the morning, but it doesn’t mute the sound of the glory around me.
Titus and Brutus are beyond the traffic. One of them is bitching and moaning from their grotto early this morning. I live smack dab in the middle of Chicagoland and I hear the roar of a lion.
That is the small piece of beauty that I can find amongst the wear and tear of a rushed society. That is what today’s Chalkboard will leave for us.
Just me on a damp winter morning with a cup of black coffee and the roar of Titus.
Two months of 2023 will be in the books when you hit the pillow tonight. The winter has been mild and the days are getting longer. Baseball scores are in the morning paper and shamrocks are appearing in windows across town.
Take this Tuesday and find the beauty that makes you feel stronger.
Also, have some pancakes for breakfast or better yet…. Dinner!
It’s National Pancakes Day.