The moon is always somewhere within the darkness of night. Some nights you need to look hard to find the glow. Other nights the moon casts shadows on the nighttime prairie.
The moon symbolizes something different for all of us. It’s always there throughout the month. It’s always there throughout the year. It’s always there throughout our lifetime.
When I miss someone I look at the moon knowing the person I miss can see the same moonlight.
There is a light dusting of snow on this cold Sunday morning. Somewhere behind the thickness of clouds is the waning gibbous of a moon. If we have a sunrise this morning it will be out later than it was yesterday morning.
Daylight savings time has begun.
Make sure to change your clocks this morning. While you are at it make sure the batteries are fresh in the fire detectors, the television remote and your neck massage device. The one tucked in the corner of the nightstand.
Also, today is the day to trim the winter growth. Just be cautious and manscape carefully. One careless knick and you’ll be bleeding until dinner.
Today brings later daylight, Scotland versus Ireland and the Southside Irish Parade.
This week brings the Ides of March. I’ll be your vehicle baby.
Never give up….
There will always be a moonbeam when you need one.
Don’t stop searching for its glow.