I will be laying on the couch this evening watching ”The Quiet Man.” Hopefully Hazel snuggles on my hip and creates a memory.
I have so many great Saint Patrick’s Day memories. I wouldn’t know where to start. How I never ended up in a police station is a miracle.
Danny Boy Haas and I split a sixer of Old Style with a couple girls on the Lake Street one year. We went to the parade when it was still on Dearborn Street many moons ago. After an afternoon of drinking way too much green beer we decided to get more for the ride home.
It’s illegal to drink on the CTA. It’s more illegal when you’re twenty. The girls thanked us for the beers and got off at Central.
Yes Central…..
….Danny and I were hoping to get a little Brown Sugar on Saint Patty’s.
I got off at Ridgeland and stumbled home. Waiting at home was an aggravated father. It was the last time my father sent me to my room. He didn’t like my “F*** me I’m Irish” button. I didn’t get a chance to try the corn beef and cabbage his wife had made.
Maybe I’ll tell Hazel this story tonight after the movie? Or maybe I’ll save this one for never!
God bless the Irish…… I guess that means all of you today. Tip your bartender heavy and stay hydrated.
What I wouldn’t do for an Old Style with Danny Boy Haas. I’ll have to settle for a juice box with Hazel….. which will someday be a great Saint Patrick’s Day memory.