My parents had to take me to the emergency room when I was around seven. This was the first time that I had to get an x-ray. The technician took me into the cold room with the scary machine.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Friday, March 31, 2023
March 31st, 2023
March 30th, 2023
The start of a brand new season is today. It doesn’t matter if you won the final game played last year or if you barely won any.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
March 29th, 2023
I picked this quote with the intention of writing about the latest tragedy that happened this week in Nashville. I’m not going to open that can of worms.
March 28th, 2023
Songs trigger memories for me. They bring back time periods from the past, people from the past, events from the past.
March 27th, 2023
Late start this morning… I’m off my routine and don’t have much to say.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
March 25th, 2023
Towards the end of his life my father just waited for the day to come when he was to die.
March 24th, 2023
Hazel must have moved my dream notebook off the nightstand. I went to grab it to jot down the specifics from a dream I had just before I woke up.
Thursday, March 23, 2023
March 23rd, 2023
I wrote down this quote with the idea that I’ll be able to come up with some good advice or a funny story.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
March 22nd, 2023
Today’s quote comes from the speech at the end of the movie “The Great Dictator.” The movie and the line were written by Charlie Chaplin. The movie was a satirical poke at hitler. It came out in 1940 when the nazi prick was taking over Europe.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
March 21st, 2023
I woke up to an obituary notice this morning. A kid that I worked with down on the trading floor. He was a phone clerk that gave me his business.
Monday, March 20, 2023
March 20th, 2023
I don’t think I recognized humility until I became a father. I was forty years old when George was born. That was the day when I finally became a man.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
March 19th, 2023
For every asshole in the world there are ninety nine wonderful people. Being an asshole makes you stick out more. Wonderful people don’t bring attention to themselves. This is the reason the world seems so negative these days. All the attention is going to the assholes.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
March 18th, 2023
It’s March 18th and I don’t have a hangover. The perfect storm appeared yesterday as Saint Patrick’s Day fell on a Friday and NCAA basketball was in full throttle.
Friday, March 17, 2023
March 17th, 2023
I will be laying on the couch this evening watching ”The Quiet Man.” Hopefully Hazel snuggles on my hip and creates a memory.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
March 16th, 2023
I was
sound asleep early on a Saturday morning the summer that I turned nineteen. I
was woken up by my dad yelling from the first floor.
have ten minutes to get ready and be in the car…. We’ve got things to do,
people to meet, breakfast to eat.”
I rolled
over and smashed the pillow over my head. The pillow wasn’t thick enough to
absorb the following attempt to get me out of bed.
thirty in the morning and a British Military Band started marching through the
living room. Led by my father through the dining room and down the basement
steps to my bedroom.
bedroom door flew open and standing in the frame was my dad repeating what he
previously said as the blankets are ripped off my bed.
Coldstream and Grenadier Guard continued to march through the speakers of my
dad’s stereo in the living room. Luckily my dad marched back up the stairs
without noticing the Old Style bottle on my nightstand.
minutes later I’m sitting in the front seat of my dad’s Cadillac filled with
cigarette smoke and WGN on the radio. Not good for a nineteen-year-old with a
first stop was Oak Park Bank on the corner of Marion and Lake Street. Then we
walked up the street to the travel agent. My dad had long conversations with
both the bank teller and the travel agent. Everyone loved talking with Don
Shepley. I just wanted breakfast.
finally walked into the diner across the street from the bank. The hostess sat
us down, handed us our menus and poured our coffee.
A few
minutes later the waitress came to take our order. She was a knockout. I could
barely stammer my order to her because I was so taken back by her beauty. My
Dad smirked at me and shook his head....
son has a hard time with the English language and seems to be enthralled in
your beauty.”
Don Shepley
always took the opportunity to embarrass his son. The waitress smiled at me as
she took our menus. After she walked away my dad continued to grill me about my
awkward breakfast order.
asked me what I was attracted to the most about our waitress. That summer was
the time in our relationship when my dad treated me less as a boy and more like
a man. The conversations were more about politics, current events, historic
events and women.
I was
always nervous talking about the last subject with my dad, but that didn’t stop
me that summer morning.
like her cleavage through the buttons of her shirt dad and I like her legs.”
My dad
sat across the table and shook his head. He took a long sip of his coffee and
started telling me about his philosophy on female anatomy.
it’s not about tits and ass. There are so many other things about a woman’s
I’m in for a sex education lesson from my dear old father before my omelet
on Moose, she has a gorgeous mouth. Her lips are full, and her smile is
heavenly. That is the first thing you should have noticed.”
sitting there listening to my dad tell me the waitress has a beautiful mouth. I
just want to eat breakfast and get out before my dad gets another chance at
embarrassing me.
was the day I learned that there is more about women than just boobs and booty.
One of many things I learned at a breakfast table from my dad.
is Lips Appreciation Day. If you have someone that lets you lock lips, take