My mom was a “Day’s of Our Lives” girl. The beginning of the show had a huge hour glass and as the music started a voice would say, "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives"
My earliest encounter with philosophy was a soap opera on NBC in the 1970’s.
Sand falling through an hour glass on an old Zenith….
Those days are fifty years ago. 1972 is fifty years ago…
… that’s crazy!
Summer of ‘22 starts in fifty four days and in one hundred and fifty two days the summer of ‘22 will be over.
What will my kids be doing in 2072? Will they associate me and the summer of 2022 with an old soap opera?
I sure as hell hope not!
For all of you models made in the 1960’s like me…. Leave a lasting impression while you can because, Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives!