Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 20th, 2022

 Everyone was drinking beer and eating chicken wings on Sunday January 6th, 2019. It was the Bears “Double Doink” playoff game against the Eagles.

I wasn’t eating wings or pounding beers that day. I was preparing for my colonoscopy on Monday morning.
I ran for more yards between the crapper and my couch than the Bears ran on the field. Though they only had sixty five total rushing yards that day.
Al Michaels was calling the game on NBC and while we all know him for his famous “Miracle on Ice” call. I know him for “Shepley is tight cheeking it AGAIN to the toilet. That’s the seventh time during the second quarter.”
I will always associate the “Double Doink” game as the Colonoscopy game.
The next morning my Cousin Anne came and picked me up to take me to the hospital to get my colon checked out.
Since my “in case of an emergency” contact is George and he doesn’t have a drivers license, Cousin Anne took the day off and brought her big cousin to West Suburban Hospital.
On April 20, 1977 my Uncle called and told me my new cousin was a healthy baby girl. I was devastated!
“I can’t go camping and fishing with a girl!”
I was right! I never went camping or fishing with Anne, but forty years later she was there for me when I needed her the most. When I needed family, she was there. Just
like her mom was always there for my mom.
On Easter Sunday she asked me when the next colonoscopy is scheduled. Hopefully I don’t schedule it the day after a Bears playoff game. The Monsters of the Midway rarely play in the post season.
The smallest deed meant the most to me. It was the day my baby cousin held my hand when I needed someone to hold my hand… actions speak the loudest.
Happy Birthday Anne!