Tuesday, April 5, 2022

April 4th, 2022

 Monday is back again…

Today’s quote is from the longest serving First Lady in American history.
She came into her own with age and experience. Age does that to us.
Today there is a basketball game in New Orleans. I couldn’t give a hoot about either of the teams playing. So I’ll be watching The Gene Hackman classic “Hoosiers.”
We all deserve that second chance. Coach Norman Dale made mistakes in his life, but a small high school in Indiana gave him a chance to redeem himself.
Against the odds he took The Hickory Huskers to the Indiana high school championship.
Tonight when the one and done basketball factories play in the glitz of the spotlight… I’ll be in a small high school gym in Terhune cheering for the underdog.
To quote Coach Dale, “I Love you guys.”