I was going to come on here and complain how my life seems to be in a rut, but who wants to listen to me moan and groan on a Saturday morning.
I woke up on the couch and surprisingly I slept pretty well. I did wake up at one point with a solid leg cramp in my calf. I also had a dream that I was playing ”hide and seek” in my parents living room with guys from work.
Last night I went out on the balcony to tend to my tomatoes and feed my squirrels. The squirrels on Lincoln Avenue scurry to my lawn when they hear the door open and the bag of peanuts being put on the bistro table.
I noticed a black squirrel running along the branches that reach across the yard. I’ve never seen a black squirrel in Riverside. I know all the squirrels on my block so this one was stunning.
I Googled for information on black squirrels in Northern Illinois and they are 1 in 10,000 of the population. It’s very rare to see them. They are more common up towards Wisconsin and in Michigan.
It also said seeing a black squirrel is a good omen and that’s what I need to get my tires out of this rut.
Black squirrels symbolize sign of new beginnings and changes, heralding exciting times ahead. They are also believed to be imbued with good luck, symbolizing fortuitous outcomes and success.
So I got that going for me.
Today is The Feast of my Patron Saint, John the Baptist. The crazy cousin that paved the way for Jesus. I picture J the B as a hippy that smelled like patchouli oil and hallucinated when he prayed to his uncle. My parents named me after a crazy Jew who pissed of the daygo’s!
Thanks Mom and Dad!
It is Germanfest in Forest Park today. It’s also Tim Lutz Memorial Day in Oak Park. It is a GoldBond Day and it’s also Shepelinni Pizza Night in the DDD… so tip your bartender, water your lawn, spread love and experience human nature.
…and if people ask why… tell them that it’s human nature and to do it that way.
….and if you don’t want this earworm then just remember one thing… be careful of who you love and be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth.
St. John is your patron saint, but you were named after your Grampa John Zoellner... He was so delighted to have a grandson...after fathering three girls,, that he braved excruciating pain from an unsuccessful hip replacement to attend your baptism....