When James Joyce wrote “Ulysses” just over 100 years ago he was criticized and the book was heavily censored. Today is Bloomsday and it is celebrated around the world.
Bloomsday celebrates everything James Joyce and the main character in the book, Leopold Bloom. June 16th is the day that the story takes place. Mr. Bloom gets laid on June 16th and Joyce writes about it with great description.
I write with great description, open description about being a divorced dad living in Chicagoland. I have this hard to reach goal that someday my chronicles could someday rank with Nelson Algren, Mike Royko, Studs Terkel or David Mamet.
I’ve used vulgarity and truthful description since I’ve started the Morning Chalkboard. This whole thing started by accident and has grown through the years. It has become good therapy for me. It has become good therapy for many of you.
It makes me feel good when someone says that I said something that touched them. I don’t care when someone tells me to tone it down. Recently I was told that I should tone it down because some people think it’s raunchy. Some people don’t like how I use social media. Some people feel uncomfortable about my actions.
I’m not going to tone it down. I’m not sure what the odds are that I’ll ever publish anything. I do know that someday after I’m gone the Shepkids and the next round of Shepkids will learn more about their dad and their grampa….
Trading floor stories, growing up learning the Chicago grid, going through a divorce, raising an autistic son and balancing his two redheaded siblings, driving a jalopy around the western suburbs and bringing breakfast to naked ladies is what I do.
I’ll never be as successful as the Chicago writers I mentioned earlier. All I want to do is make the world better along the way. I want to put mustard on my hotdog, listen to music, read and write, learn about Cuba and eat pizza with Mr. Hand.
James Joyce wrote about Leopold Bloom and his adventures on June 16th, 1904. I’m going to write about a divorced dad who once worked on a trading floor. I’m going to let a chalkboard take the place of a therapist’s couch and I’m going to hint about my quest for hot moms along the way.
It’s Fathers Day weekend and the middle of June. How I wish that I could be listening to “Rhapsody in Blue” with my father drinking German wine. I’ll settle for a growler of BuckleDown, an Alpine sub, a cigar and Muddy Waters.
Celebrate this weekend and don’t feel censored…. Put some pork on the grill and some love on the sheets.