Monday, September 9, 2024

September 8th, 2024

 I thought I’d pull down some Billy Shakes for a Sunday with great expectations.

The professional football team that many Chalkheads cheer for is supposedly beginning another new era. A savior from Southern California is going to take our Chicago Bears back to their glory days.
Whatever the Midway Monsters destiny may hold…
… let’s get things clear here.
It isn’t in the stars, but on the gridiron where success can be achieved. Also, God doesn’t give two shits about the outcome of today’s football game.
The stars and God also don’t play a part in how our lives flow. Spirituality and faith can help us get through the day to day struggles, but we control our own destiny. It is how we handle ourselves on bad days that make us appreciate the good days.
“Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world…
Like a Colossus, and we petty men
Walk under his huge legs and peep about
To find ourselves dishonorable graves.
Men at some time are masters of their fates.
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
This twenty-two year old kid is playing on a team that has been consistently mediocre for one hundred years.
Bad decisions, nepotism, cronyism, tight wallets and stubbornness have made the Chicago Bears a shitshow football team on a regular basis.
The alignment of the stars won’t determine victory at the stadium next to the lake today.
The alignment of the stars won’t determine if I have an awesome autumn or a miserable fall.
That won’t stop me from getting up everyday. It is all on me to make 2024 end on a solid note.
Soak the brats in beer, slice the onions thin, make the potato salad creamy and put some spice in the Bloody.
It is time to Bear Down.