Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6th, 2024

 The former Mrs Shepley and I never freaked out when the Shepkids took a tumble. We would ask them, “What do you do after you fall down?”

And they would always reply, “you get right back up!”
The Shepkids have been fortunate in their young lives. They haven’t had many major falls compared to other families.
The Shepkids saw their parents fall down when the marriage ended, but they saw us get right up and keep moving.
Last year the Shepkids lost their grandfather, but they watched everyone get back up and continue living.
There is so much parents need to teach their children…
…falling down and getting back up is one of the top lessons in the parenting manual.
I chalked recently that my Oldman always harped that we have no time to slow down and feel sorry for ourselves on bad days.
My mom taught me another lesson. When she fell down, she cried and blamed everyone else. Bad days ruined her week. I learned that this wasn’t the way to operate.
We all fall down in life. It’s getting back up that is the tough part. When the Neosporin and Mercurochrome isn’t enough for the scrapes and cuts…
…then use faith, family and friends. That’s the remedy for recovering from the worst falls.
It’s going to get autumnal this weekend. Well, not really, but don’t let the treat of lower temperatures keep you from pulling out the sweaters. Maybe a pot of chili for Sunday’s Bear game is a little premature, but I’ll have a bowl if you’re making some this weekend.
Finish strong today, be kind and find astonishment in everything.