Monday, September 2, 2024

September 1st, 2024

 I’m kind of ready for the ‘ber months.

I never get sad. My Oldman told me that we should never spend time being sad or feeling sorry for ourselves. Lower your shoulders, arch your neck and push through. I also saw what being sad did to my mom and that keeps me from letting sadness ruin my life.
However, August brought a bit of melancholy to the World of Jumbo Love.
I think it started with my forty year reunion earlier in the month. I realized how quickly those years passed and how I missed out on retaining friendships.
I think about the Sinatra song, “It Was a Very Good Year.” I went from the verse of being seventeen and suddenly I’m in the autumn of my years verse.
Then I got the China Flu in the middle of the month. Yeah, I’m bitter! It’s the China fucking flu.
I felt like complete ass for three days. I still have tight lungs, a chalky tongue, ringing in my ears and my hair feels weird.
The final August kick in the throat was presented to me by an eleven year old girl that told me to “fuck off” the other day. I’m having a tough time dealing with the beginning of these puberty years.
Do I tell this eleven year old that there isn’t time to be sad? I’m worried this eleven year old is going to end up sad like her mother and paternal grandmother.
So, I’m glad the ‘ber months are upon us. I need the comfort of a sweatshirt and an extra blanko. I need a bowl of chili and a spicy Bloody Mary. I need to sit on a tailgate with a bratwurst and throw a football around with a bunch of other broken down linemen. I need a glass of bourbon with a chill of fall on my face and the glow from a fire pit warming the crisp air.
Another phrase my Oldman always hammered was, “This too shall pass.”
He was right again… everything comes and goes quickly as we get older. Today’s problem will be laughed about in six months. Even the bad times will become bitter sweet as these days become memories.
And get ready to hear, “I can’t believe that it’s already September First.” You’ll hear that a lot today, along with, “what happened to the summer?”
In a few weeks we will be singing an Earth, Wind and Fire song and raking leaves with longer shadows.
Be astonished