On this day in 1987 the “Joe Costello Birthday Dance” was invented. The other day I talked about friendship and how friends come into our lives. Joe Costello falls into that theory.
Joe is a member of the Wild Turkey Softball team out of the Southwest corner of Oak Park. Every year on this day I hum the song and if I have an audience of Wild Turkeys I do the dance.
On Friday the Wild Turkeys will be together for our annual “Wild Turkey Holiday Reunion” at The James Joyce. Joe has lived in California for years. He occasionally pops in to say hello and see the dance in person. I don’t think he’s going to be in the fine state of Illinois, so a FaceTime dance will probably occur.
Everyone needs something goofy in their life to bridge them from youth to old age. I sure as hell hope that I can dance the dance for many years to come.
There is that saying about living your life. Dance like nobody is watching, sing like nobody is listening…… well…. “It’s Joe Costello’s Birthday, It’s Joe Costello’s Birthday, It’s Joe Costello’s Birthday!”
Live a life that lets you do a goofy dance for a friend every year for their birthday. Because that is an ingredient for happiness.