Monday, November 28, 2022

November 21st, 2022

 Thanksgiving week starts out flat, literally. Betty the Green Blazer has a flat tire and Monday has been rearranged. Now my work wife has to pick me up and take me to the office and after work I’ve got to get Betty rebooted.

Could have been worse! I could’ve been driving with the Shepkids. So I’m lucky the old girl is parked in her spot.
Usually in the morning I have music playing, but for some reason I have the news on today. WBBM has killed any flow that I have for today’s chalkboard. Between the bad news on the radio and my routine getting jagged by a flat tire… I’m not starting thanksgiving week off on a good foot. It will all Come together by Thursday.
Like my Oldman often said, “this too shall pass!”