Friday, May 31, 2024

May 31st, 2024

 Today is the last day of May. Five months have flown by as we find ourselves at the doorstep of the Summer of ‘24.

What are you going to remember when you look back at this summer?
Big George and I are starting the summer off with a quick trip to Indianapolis. We are going to jam together a shit ton of projects into a 25 hour period.
I am going to see a couple people I haven’t seen since the Reagan Administration. I might also see someone for the last time.
The main purpose is to see an uncle that was a large part of my youth. His birthday is Monday and we are going to visit with him on Saturday. He lives in a retirement home in Carmel. Like many of the brilliant people in our lives, he too is growing old with dementia.
So I’m going to go tell him that I love him. Let him know the positive impact that he had on young John Shepley and give him a JumboLove hug.
I’m going to tell my uncle how he made the Summer of ‘73, the Summer of’75 and the Summer of ‘78 a little more special.
That is how the Summer of ‘24 is going to begin for this somabitch.
Hopefully George can get a picture of my gramma’s house on Indianola. I wish the old Nickle Plate was still at Broad Ripple Park.
“Hey George… this is where I had my first beer and touched a boobie for the first time. Can you get a picture of it?”
George is going to experience his first Indiana pork tenderloin sandwich and capture a picture of me and my Uncle Chris.
Though I’m a Chicago boy true and true… for 25 hours, I’ll be back home again in Indiana.