Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 1st, 2024

 Oh my goodness… I can’t believe that it’s already May first.

The May full moon is on the 23rd and is known as the Flower Moon. May is the month that Catholics honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. May starts with The Kentucky Derby and finishes with the Indianapolis 500.
May has thirty one days and ends on a Friday. Tuesdays in May are touchdown days. Which makes Fridays in May the touchdown and field goal days. Just something I made up in third grade to help me remember the days in the month.
May also starts with Silver Star Day and ends with Memorial Day weekend. I don’t care if you’re a tight ass evangelical or a doped up hippy…. ‘Merica!
Like Uncle Hank always said in his Hoosier twang and after a couple cans of Hamms, “Jesus and the American soldier, both willing to die for you son!”
The sun has a smile and we have a brand new reason to giddy up and go….. be astonished and use your directional.