Monday, June 10, 2024

June 9th, 2024

 I fell asleep last night on the couch watching a goofy kid movie with Hazel. An hour or so later, an extra blanket was tossed on top of me. Moments later I felt a kiss on my forehead and I heard….

….”good night dad, I love you.”
Recently I’ve chalked about my daughter getting to an age where dad isn’t cute anymore.
Eye rolls have replaced smiles of approval. Hugs have been replaced with the Heisman trophy pose. “I love you” has been replaced with “that is so cringe!”
… but last night as I awkwardly laid scrunched on my living room sofa, a glimmer of hope tucked me in.
The little girl that I’ve been tucking in for the last decade or so returned the tenderness.
I think this awkward period that some dads have with their daughter has a lot to do with turning points.
Dads watch their daughters mature from diapers and sippy cups to bras and short skirts.
The whole time dad just looks the same in a child’s eyes.
Our purpose as daddy is to teach our children how to be independent. How to make friends. How to make smart decisions and how to be kind.
Once they develop all these skills and start to test their wings, they start seeing dad in a different way.
I’m not watching Hazel grow up as much as Hazel is now starting to watch me grow up as well.
I’ve looked the same to Hazel for eleven years, but now she is going to notice her dad is getting older.
Now, I was already pretty old as it was when my little redhead bundle of turbulence showed up on the scene.
All of Hazel’s friends have dads that are pushing forty and… well… I’m…. I’m going to my fortieth high school reunion in August.
Maybe last night the tide turned and Hazel will start taking more care of her Oldman?
Thank you to the Chalkheads that gave me advice about being a daddy with a maturing daughter. You were correct when you said there will be glimpses of tenderness mixed in with the tension.
I am sure this morning when I’m making breakfast and Hazel catches me dancing and singing in the kitchen….
…the infamous eye roll and OMG will make an appearance.
Today is National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day.
I take pie pretty seriously, most big and tall guys do.
Strawberry-rhubarb is my fifth favorite pie. Closely behind pecan, two-legged peach, Hoosier sugar and blueberry.
Let’s enjoy the remaining days of early June. We only have a few weeks left to enjoy the cicada symphony. In a couple weeks the days will stop getting longer and our shadows will take over growing length.
Hold on to fifty-seven as long as you can, changes coming ‘round real soon make you be an old man.
Go be astonished and enjoy the sunshine.
…and find yourself a slice of strawberry-rhubarb.