Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16th, 2024

Today might be a rough day for a couple of you Chalkheads.
Someone won’t be playing golf with their dad this morning. There will be a family barbecue without a grill master this afternoon. A brunch table with one less guest. A boat on the lake without the usual fish tales. There will be a ballgame with one less fan that remembers Wrigley without lights and Comiskey when it was on the northside of 35th street.
There was a time when our dads lost their dads, but we were too young to recognize the fragility of life. That foreshadowed where many of us are now….
… celebrating Father’s Day without a father.
I hate to be morbid, but that day will come when our own children will celebrate today without a father.
GO..... book that tee time, fire up the grill, reserve a table for brunch, pull your fishing rods out of the attic and get a pencil and scorecard before the first pitch.
Today is an opportunity to make great memories with your children. Make sure to tell your kids a couple stories about your dad. Share the memories of your dad with his grandchildren. Give them that family foundation that they will continue to build upon when we are gone.
I know this wasn’t a lollipop and unicorn chalkboard for Father’s Day.
My point is….
…. our time together isn’t as long as we think.
Today we remember the gusto that our fathers once had and show our children the gusto that we still possess.
….and make sure to powder up with the GoldBond today.
In fact, you better have a good supply in your medicine cabinet. This week is going to be a scorcher.
I love you Dad.