Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23rd, 2024

 Part two of the Princess in the King's bed.

I had to get something from my room last night around 7:30. I walked down the hallway and arrived at a locked door.
Fortunately, George hasn’t installed the advanced biometric technology on my bedroom door.
I popped the lock and found my princess sprawled on my bed,
“I’m on a call dad!”
“Just need to grab something Love.”
and that is when my baby girl told her BFF that her dad was weird.
Sooooooo……. Before I left my little princess and her conference call with the cool chicks in sixth grade…
“You should've been gone,
knowing how I made you feel!
and I should've been gone,
after all your words of steel!
That’s right! I busted into “Oh, Sherrie.”
I wanted the Sixth Grade Council of Cool Kids to know Hazel’s dad isn’t weird, he’s crazy!
I couldn’t wait to bring crazy back at 8:15 and let Hazel know the party is over.
“Hey Siri, set an alarm for 8:15 please.”
8:15 comes around, I punch in the code, the password, the second password and pop the lock open.
“It is time for the Princess to take her bubble bath and have her hair brushed by her royal servant.”
“DAD! Please, I’m still on my call!”
This is where I could have politely told her that she needed to end her phone conversation with the girls west of Mannheim, but I didn’t.
It was time for more Steve Perry.
“Oh Hazel, our love, holds on, holds on… Oh Hazel, our love Holds on, holds on!”
That is when the call ended abruptly and I received an OMG. I don’t think I’ll ever receive an MBE from the King of England. So I will settle with the OMG from my baby girl.
The night settled down. Hazel finished her shower and I tucked her in with no hard feelings. I turned off the light, closed the door to my bedroom and as I walked down the hall towards the kitchen….
“Oh, I want to let go. You'll go on hurtin' me. You'd be better off alone, If I'm not who you thought I'd be!”
...and for a final measure from the living room,
“Oh, Hazel, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, Hazel, our love
Holds on, holds on!”
Fritz comes out of his room and asks what all the racket is about.
George comes out of his room and tells me the lyrics should be “Oh, Sherrie,” not “Oh, Hazel.”
Only George would be able to pull that one out of his pocket.
The kicker…
Sometime in the middle of the night. Daddy’s little girl brought her blanko and joined me in the dungeon. She pushed the ottoman up to the chair and fell asleep with her Big Old Ogre.
The End
Today is Sunday Funday! The temperatures are coming off of the highs and we are going to watch minor league baseball.
Nope…. We aren’t going to a Sox game. We are going to Joliet to watch the Joliet Slammers.
Get it?
Joliet Prison?
Play on words?
Maybe Jake and Elwood will be at the ballpark?
Anyway…. It has to be better baseball than what is being played in Bridgeport.
Let’s finish this last full week of June with kindness and astonishment.
Happy Sunday you Chalkheads!