Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 14th, 2024

 I can still remember Sister Balthazar correcting me in kindergarten.

“John…… it is indivisible not invisible. Try it again, ‘one Nation under God, INDIVISIBLE’……. let’s start over with John Shepley reciting for the class.”
I was lucky that it was Sister B and not one of the meaner nuns.
Or…. I might still be in that classroom fifty-three years later repeating “The Pledge of Allegiance.”
Indivisible: adjective- unable to be divided or separated.
I’m not going to get too political on this Chalkboard, BUTT (that is how someone with a big butt puts exclamation in the word “but.”)
BUTT, our great country isn’t doing a good job with the indivisible idea handed down from the infancy of America.
Let’s skip several paragraphs on opinion and advice on healing the Republic and start with flying the flag today.
I know the red, white and blue hasn’t held up to its promise for many people, but too many have died protecting it.
For that reason alone, put the flag up today.
Can you believe we are in the middle of June already?
This June weekend has a fond memory of sitting on the front porch with my Oldman. The American flag starched by the summer breeze, blowing on the front stoop. The stereo speakers set at eleven with “Rhapsody in Blue” blaring across South Lombard Avenue. My dad and I splitting a bottle of Liebfraumilch and drinking it using Bears juice glasses purchased at the gas station.
This will be just another scene that I will recreate someday when I get to heaven.
Go be astonished in a world that needs indivisible put back together.