Monday, July 3, 2023

July 3rd, 2023

 During the week my alarm goes off at 3:33am. I figure it’s a good Angel number. Three is my lucky number, I have three children and the Holy Trinity is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Put that all together and I’ve got a decent start to the day.

Like most of us these days the first thing I grab is my……… phone (what else did you think I’d grab?)
I check to see what the market is doing overnight. I’ll check and see if I received any text messages and check for emails.
Often enough I receive a text message and or an email from a very hateful person. It kills me when I see that I received something from this person overnight.
About six weeks ago I got bombarded with these terrible text messages and emails. Even my son George received an awkward text message from the same source.
That morning when I was heading to work in Betty the Green Blazer I made a left turn right after the arrow disappeared. I was immediately pulled over by a Riverside policeman. Between the shitty messages I received and Chopin playing on Betty’s stereo I was upset.
Right away the officer knew something was wrong and showed compassion. I told him what was bothering me and he said it’s common to have such an evil person in our lives and he let me go. Making sure I had my crap together before I drove away.
This cop got up to Betty and saw the water on my cheeks. It was like I was a hot broad hiking my skirt up to show some leg to get out of a speeding ticket.
He let me go and maybe it was because of the magic of 333?
Whenever insults and negativity are thrown on our path we need to swerve around it and keep going. Just pay attention to the traffic lights.
That is what Walt Whitman means in today’s Chalkboard quote.
Dismiss anything that pains the soul.
Many of us have the same kind of person in our lives, but all of us have each other. It is the each other in life that gets us to the next 3:33am.
July Fourth Eve…. One of my favorite nights and tomorrow is in my top five days of the year. Right behind Thanksgiving and Mardi Gras.
Tonight is the peak of this months full moon, The Buck Moon. Enjoy America’s birthday and everything that is involved. Baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. Just don’t be the drunk prick blowing off fireworks at 2:30am. I want that extra sixty three minutes of sleep Wednesday morning.