Thursday, July 13, 2023

July 13th, 2023

 I came across a post yesterday that asked the question, “What would you do if you could go back to the 1980’s?”

Most of the replies on the post were stupid and not seriously thought out. I did read a couple that said they’d buy certain stocks that have exploded in the last forty years. Many people wouldn’t have gotten married. Several would have picked a different career.
My reply to this question was, “I’d hug my mom.”
I hugged my mom a lot in the 1970’s, but once 1980 showed up on the calendar I became too cool to hug my ma. I was a freshman in high school in the fall of 1980.
I think if a Time Machine took me back to the Reagan years I’d hug my mom tight. My mom needed those hugs back then.
Back to 2023 and yes I miss my mom, but more as a parent I realize how important those hugs are for me.
Yesterday started with George climbing in my bed. Fritz gave me a hug out of the blue and Hazel walked by and planted a big kiss on my forehead.
All unexpected, all necessary.
I realized how much I needed all of these actions to happen on a stormy Wednesday.
Someday soon my kids might be too cool to show dad some love. The day will come when I receive or give them that last hug. Someday they’ll answer the question, “what would you do if you could go back to the 2020’s?”
I hope they come back and give me a hug!
I know Brian Wilson wrote, “Be true to your school now
And let your colors fly
Be true to your school!”
….and yes I’ll always be true to the White Sox, but this season is finished. So it’s time to count down to the next mediocre Chicago sports teams.
The Bears open against the Packers in September and the Blackhawks open against the Penguins in October.
Let’s Bear Down and back those mighty Blackhawks!