Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8th, 2024

 Today’s quote is a Yogism that influenced the Jumboism, “watching shit do stuff.”

I come from a long line of people that sit back and watch the world operate. My Gramma had a nickname in her neighborhood, “Hawkeye,” because she always had her eye on everything. My Gramma told me that she had eyes in the back of her head. I believed her until the day she died.
My Oldman would sit on his front porch and keep watch over the two hundred block of south Lombard. He’d look over the top of his Trib and say hello to everyone.
Now here I am, the next generation of watching shit do stuff.
I’m sure there is a nickname in the Divorced Dad District for the big guy up on the balcony.
I see everything that goes on along my block near the river. All of the dog walkers, the Tattoo Runner, the daily strollers, the couples, the lonely, the sad, the mentally unstable and of course, the hot mommies.
The sun travels to the horizon during my evening cocktail. I know the angle of the sun and where it is every day of the year. Tonight will be the last night that it sets after eight o’clock.
I think it’s important to know where the sun is during the day. That is why I’ve always included the sunrise and sunset times on The Morning Chalkboard.
It is a consistent reminder that we turn the page daily, until we get to the page that says, “the end.”
It is Thursday, the eighth of August. Thirty-six years ago they flipped the light switch for the first time up at Cubs Park. Many Chalkheads will remind us it was a rainout and many more will tell you where they were on 8/8/88.
Today is a good day to be kind, be astonished and to watch shit do stuff.
Enjoy the sunset tonight… cherish that somabitch.