I turned on news radio this morning and the first thing I heard was late actor Dustin Diamond would have been forty six today.
I was looking to hear about the weather or the Speaker of the House fiasco or if the Pacers won last night and instead… it’s Screech’s birthday.
That whole “Saved by the Bell” phenomenon was never my cup of tea. I knew the show had some young hotties on it and I knew Screech.
We even had a Screech on the trading floor…. Poor bastard. I accepted my Chicago Board of Trade nickname. I grew into the legend that everyone knows as Jumbo. This poor kid shivered and shrieked every time someone called him Screech. He was probably happy when the floor closed and he could go back to his real name. I wonder what his name was?
Back to poor Dustin Neil Diamond. Another child actor that crumbled in adult life. I didn’t even know he died. I thought he was in jail.
I wonder if the pressure of being Screech was too much? His life got so big at an early age. Did he ever learn who Dustin even was? Did he learn how to be compassionate for Dustin or did being Screech destroy him?
Why in the hell is Jumbo talking about Screech on a Saturday morning Chalkboard?
Because Screech died incomplete! Dustin “Screech” Diamond probably never learned to love himself….
….like Don Shepley always said, “If you can’t love yourself, you’ll never be able to love anyone else.”
Oh and the Pacers won last night, Congress found weak leadership and we might get a glimpse at some sun today!
I’m not walking down the boulevard with rainbows and unicorns flying out my rear-end, but I do have some whoopie cushions and firecrackers in my pockets.
Spreading happiness is better than being a dick to people. I think I’ve been a better person since my dad went to heaven. Simply because I think he can see everything I do.
My Oldman lived 180 miles away from me during high school, but he somehow knew before my mom whenever I pulled a stupid stunt!
It’s Bobblehead Day and I’ve picked one of my favorites this morning…. My Houston Oilers Bobblehead.
I’m glad my dad wasn’t in heaven in 1994 when I was in a hot tub with a half dozen Houston Oiler cheerleaders.
This is a story for another day and it happened in Vegas… so that story is packed tight in Nevada!
Dress warm! It was -17 wind chill when I cranked Betty this morning….. relax!
Betty is my Blazer!
Wipe the dust out of your crockpot and cuddle with someone nice!
Last summer we were LEFT with a bad taste in our mouth. RIGHT away in the new year it continues to be ugly...
Could this be the final straw that brings us together?!?!
Long Mardi Gras season makes sense as we start Twenty Plenty! Keep yourself positive because the shadows are getting shorter everyday now!
Going from Da Bears into Who Dat mode! It’s Monday! it’s Raining! It’s 53 degrees?