Sunday, January 14, 2024

January 14th, 2024

   The first thing I did when I woke up was check the temperature. Then I did my morning prayers and I heard my Oldman scream down from heaven.

His advice this morning from eternal rest was something I heard often through the years.
“Moose….. stay warm today! It’s colder than a witch’s tit out there!”
Can he say that out loud with the Virgin Mary in shouting distance?
Our parents generation had some interesting phrases on cold days. I had an uncle that would say, “it’s colder than a mother-in-law’s kiss out there.”
…and my mom would say, “it’s colder than penguin snot out there.”
Today’s quote isn’t Shakespearean or from Churchill. Dave Chappelle said it near the end of his latest Netflix special.
He also said, “if you don’t go after your dreams, you can end up in someone else’s dream.”
I wasn’t expecting a poignant message from a comedian who was just bashing transgenders and handicapped people earlier in his show.
…..But I did!
All of our dreams overlap and we don’t even realize it. We need to understand that we could be in someone else’s world and the role we play can make or break their aspirations.
Dreams are worth fighting for and should never be given up on. Most of the time when we quit dreaming is at the point when we need them the most.
Take out the word “dream” and replace it with the word “life.” Because our time together really is a combination of both. Sprinkle in the occasional fucking nightmare and we have all the sands of our hourglass.
We have expectations, we have doubt and we have the old clock on the kitchen wall directing us constantly.
We are the directors, we are our own dream makers. Sometimes you just have to ignore expectations, doubt and timing.
This is what I came away with after watching Dave Chappelle last night.
I didn’t wake up this morning dreaming about a cup of coffee and a piece of coffee cake from Oak Park bakery. I woke up wanting them because they are real and easily attainable.
….so I made a pot of coffee and then mother fucked myself for not going to the bakery yesterday.
What is the point here?
If we want something, make it so!
A cup of coffee is like anything else in life that you want. A raise, a new car, a vacation, better health, a new lover, strong friendships, deeper faith.
Those aren’t dreams, those are all things in life to run to and grab.
So chase your dreams and get in the car and drive to the bakery.
I’m actually dreaming about a pastrami sandwich from The Onion Roll up on North Avenue. All I need to do is get my big ass in Betty the Green Blazer and drive up Oak Park Avenue.
It’s National Hot Pastrami Day. The Onion Roll opens at eight and Manny’s opens up at nine-thirty. Make your dream become life and order a bowl of matzo ball soup as well. Maybe even a couple latkes and a black and white for good measure.