Saturday, January 27, 2024

January 27th, 2024

 It was a Beatles song that said, “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Most of you Chalkheads are in love or have been in love at one point in your life.
I’ve been loved by my parents and am currently loved by my children. In between, I have fallen in love twice. I think both times I was loved by the other person.
Well, I know the first one was in love with me because she still loves me. Our relationship has evolved through the years and we are still dear friends.
The second one hates my guts, but she gave me three hearts that love me dearly. So her hate pays off.
When my dad was telling me about va jay jays and boners, he slipped in a strong message.
The two most important gifts a man can receive in his lifetime are…. The love of a woman and the trust of a child.
He was right, a’fucking’gain!
But what about saying “I love you” and hearing in return, “I love you too.”
It gets back to the Beatles song…
My kids often tell me that they love me, but I make a point of telling them everyday that this Old Fat Fuck loves them dearly!
I hear them say, “I love you too dad!”
I was born before 1970, so I don’t use “LOL” or “FWIW” or any of the other text message short cuts…
…but with the Shepkids I do use “AOMH.” Only the four of us use that abbreviation.
It means, All Of My Heart. Because I use my whole fucking heart to love and I’m teaching my children to do the same damn thing.
In these last twenty five summers of my life, I plan on saying “I love you” more than hearing, “I love you too.”
The other day a guy moving to Colorado told me that he loves me. Last week my work wife told me that he loves me. Last night before bed, George said, “I love you Big Man” and on Wednesday the Redheads got out of Betty and told me that they love me. That was in earshot of the only person in the world that does not love me. Actually, there are colleagues of mine through the years that lack integrity… they don’t love me either.
Instead of saying “I love you too,” my dad always said, “I love you more.”
Or most of the time he would just yell out “More!”
That drove my mom crazy and on her lower road she would always say that is stupid and that love always balances out. I don’t want love to balance out. I want to love more than be loved.
I hear my parents tell me that they love me every morning when I am praying for all of your sorry ass’s. Someday, I’ll hear it again in the eternal love waiting for me in twenty five years.
Maybe thirty if I skip the trip to Maxwell Street….
I love you…. I love you too…. I love you…. I love you too…. I love you…. I love you too.
Whatever end you’re on, it is a beautiful thing. Before I reach the end…. I’m going to say “I love you” a shit ton of times.
Dont be too disappointed if you don’t hear someone say, “I love you” today. You can call me if you really need to hear it.
But you’ll hear it today when you go out and be your kind self.
So go out and be your kind self and spread love into your world.
Because all we need is love, love… love is all we need!