I’m not sure the mountain that I’m climbing is very glorious right now. It’s more like a sledding hill that has been iced over and I’m trying to carry ten toboggans back to the top.
I’m taking those choppy side steps while wearing tight snow pants and a parka that cuts off my vision.
Everyday is a hill to climb. The incline doesn’t go away by hitting the snooze bar. It isn’t fear or trepidation that holds back that first step. Consequences narrow down with age. Either you climb the mountain of Tuesday or you punt it into a steeper Wednesday elevation.
At the foot of that hill is a motivation that pushes the collection of steps upward.
Maybe the motivation is at the top of the hill? That means faith in yourself will get you up there…
…you gotta have faith in yourself if you want to have faith in anything else.
I’m done being Stuart Smiley this morning, but he did say that we aren’t here to carpet the world. We are human beings and not human doings. That’s pretty good for me!
Some days are comedies, some days tragedies… my days are skits at Second City and I don’t use cue cards.
I just improvise… because I don’t have a fucking clue. I just figure it out as it comes. If you think you’re going to have a tough climb today. Be grateful that you’re not Hillary Clinton’s gynecologist or the person in the flat below mine who’s bedroom is under mine.
At least you don’t have to look into the Senator’s va jay jay or hear me humping and lumbering around upstairs.
Yesterday that sun worked its ass off trying to shine. I picked Hazel up after school and drove west out of the parking lot. The reflection of sunlight on her face was the motivation I searched for on the Monday Mountain.
I’m going to buy some tulips today and give them to Hazel when she climbs into Betty this afternoon.
Flowers and sunlight are always makers of enthusiasm.
I will leave you with a Tuesday earworm….
“Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.