I’m not sure I like the word “change” in this quote. I’d like to take it out and use “grow.”
“By growing nothing, nothing grows.”
That doesn’t have the same effect or impact.
I don’t like change. When you hear people say, “oh, Clyde has changed a lot lately!”
That’s usually not a good thing. Clyde is probably going through a shitshow that is out of his control.
….”I need you to change!”
You need me to change? How about you go fuck yourself.
We don’t need to change. We need to grow. Grow with the flow that life brings at the age of experience.
Life brings us experiences that help us grow. When I learned to talk, I didn’t become Shakespeare or Churchill. When I learned cursive I didn’t immediately have a gorgeous John Hancock signature. When I lost my virginity, I didn’t immediately become Casanova. When I walked onto the trading floor, I didn’t suddenly become Gordon Gekko. When I became a daddy, I didn’t become Ward Cleaver or Mike Brady. I grew into a better John Shepley with every role that I played.
I have about twenty five summers left with you guys. I wouldn’t change a thing, but I do want to grow into the sunset years and experience getting older with gusto.
Don’t change…. Just continue to grow and adapt and take the punches life swings at you.
Like Billy said many years ago, “don’t go changing, to try and please me…………”
Grow older and do the things that please you. Please You!
I’m rambling on here….
Let’s talk about submarine sandwiches. We all have our favorite sub that we’ve grown up with.
In our neighborhood we don’t consider Jimmy John’s or Jersey Mikes or even Subway as a real sandwich. Those are factory ordered with plastic meat on styrofoam bread.
Every side of the city has their neighborhood joint. I have about five or six that I go to. My top three are listed in the grabber section on today’s chalkboard.
Keep it simple, keep it fresh and don’t “change” a damn thing.
I put the sun up on The Morning Chalkboard today. It’s going to be colder than penguin snot out there, but at least the vitamin D will hit your face.
Don’t change a thing, go be you today!