Thursday, January 4, 2024

January 4th Flashback


If you guessed Old Testament you would be wrong. Today we quote the Englishman Billy Shakes.

It’s been forty one days already since Thanksgiving. These days between Thanksgiving and the beginning of the New Year are always chaotic. Though we gave thanks together several weeks ago, January 4th is also a good day to be thankful.
Today is the Perihelion of Earth’s orbit around the sun. That means the earth is the closest it gets to the sun during the year. It’s always a couple weeks after Winter Solstice.
My mom would celebrate today with a bowl of oatmeal and a huge hug. Both symbolizing warmth….
“Hold close and be thankful for the love in your heart Pumpkinhead!”
Before we know it we will be blowing off fireworks celebrating the Fourth of July. It is also around the same time we celebrate Aphelion. The day the earth is furthest from the sun. That’s when my mom would take me for a soft serve and we’d remember the people who are no longer with us.
My mom loved the sun… every time I hear that Beatles song about the sun I think of my mom. So today have some oatmeal and hug someone you love….
Here comes the sun… do da do do… here comes the sun and I say, it’s alright!


My generation is in the throes of the worst period of history in our lifetime.
Generation X was born during the Vietnam war. Our teeth were cutting during Watergate. Our Pubic hairs started growing during the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
When we finished school and started in the work force the Berlin Wall came Crashing down.
I can keep on going, but this post might look like I’m copying Billy Joel and we didn’t start the fire.
We’ve seen some horrible destruction these last several years.
So our job is to trudge through and bring the best we’ve got to the other side.
I sure as hell don’t know when we will see the other side, but I’m setting a goal.
My goal is the day when I’m putting potting soil in in the planters on my balcony.
I just typed that… looked up at it and thought…. That sounds fucking cheesy. But that’s what
I’m shooting for…. Springtime in Riverside!
When George Harrison starts calling me little darling and tells me the sun is coming… I’ll enter the age of creation.
“Springtime in Riverside!”
I think tonight I’m going to create some spaghetti. Do some laundry and lay low. Because this is the time
of the year to lay low!


Walked out Of my bedroom without the glow of the Christmas tree coming from the living room.
When you are a kid you dread the day dad drags the tree out to the ally. Eleven months seems so far away before we go to the “Y” to get a new one!
When your an adult you know it will be back before you know it!
.....without having the eyes of a child anymore you prefer less clutter in the front window anyway!
Keep the glow of Christmas in your heart as the new work year starts today!


Little snow overnight.... be aware of your surroundings during these trying days!
We have gained eight minutes of daylight the last couple weeks! That’s like eight inches to an Irishman..... come on Patrick and DannyBoy... it’s okay!


It’s Friday! Pacers are in town! Wish I could listen to the game with my Gramma on WIBC!


I’ve got a big button and you’ll burn a fuse up there all alone!