Thursday, January 4, 2024

January 4th, 2024

 Back in the last century, Chicago had two classical music stations, WNIB 97.1fm and WFMT 98.7fm. My dad was a NIB guy. He thought that WFMT was the snobby station for the highbrows up in Lake Forest. WNIB was for the “Deeze and Doze” guys like us Shepley’s.

My dad had an old Grundig radio in the kitchen. He would leave it on most of the day and throughout the night set at 97.1fm. He would only change the station for a couple hours in the morning to listen to Wally Phillips on WGN. Later it was Bob Collins.
WNIB didn’t just play Beethoven and Strauss. They had an old black guy on after midnight by the name of Mr. A.
Mr. A in the AM played old R&B and Chicago Blues. You would have never heard that music on the arrogant WFMT.
It was always comforting to hear that radio playing from the other room. It was like a night light that kept the house protected.
WNIB and all of its common man music changed to Classic rock around the millennium. WNIB had been owned by a mom and pop since the 1950’s. It was time to retire and when a big communication system offered them boo coo bucks, they took it.
Leaving my dad only with the haughty station. He adjusted and the radio remained on overnight. No more waking up to Mr. A playing Howling Wolf, but some New England preppie playing Dvorak and Debussy.
We were just a couple deeze and doze guys listening to de-bus-sea after da Y2K.
I know, I know… deh-byoo-see
This morning I woke up a couple times to WFMT playing on my little Grundig in the kitchen. The volume is set around three or four and can be heard faintly throughout my flat.
For me it’s WFMT and WDCB. WDCB 90.9fm plays more jazz and blues. They also have this old time radio program on Saturday afternoons. It was once on WNIB and my dad listened to it religiously. It’s called “Those Were the Days.” It plays old Jack Benny shows and other radio shows from the thirties and nineteen forties. Now my kids are getting to know Fibber McGee and Molly.
After I’m done writing, I’m going to make Georgie’s breakfast and lunch. I use to turn on WGN and listen to the news, but Wally Phillips and Bob Collins are both gone and the news always sucks anyway.
So when I’m making a ham and cheese, I’m listening to Vivaldi.
That little radio next to the stove brings a calmness to the house. It comforts my home and sets the tone for me and the Shepkids. Someday when the Shepkids become old farts, maybe they’ll leave the kitchen radio on overnight?
It is the simple things in life that keep it from becoming a nightmare.
Go get yourself a bowl of spaghetti today. I love a big bowl of pasta and it’s evident by the dimples on my booty cheeks.
I might be eating raman for the next month depending on how much Betty’s doctor bill costs over at Riverside Garage.
She’s worth it, she’s my baby.
I think we have a chance to put the smile on the sun today. Though Skilling is predicting the first major snow storm next week.
Whatever will be will be…. Just go enjoy the first Thursday of 2024.

Betty at Riverside Garage