Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3rd, 2023

      I woke up this morning and thought about Sunday nights before Labor Day. There was a string of them from the mid 1970’s into the early 1980’s where I’d make a bed on the living room floor. My mom got comfortable on the couch and we’d try and stay up and watch “The Jerry Lewis Telethon.”

I’d end up falling asleep, but when I woke up my mom was wide awake. She was there to tell me the money totaled overnight in donations. I think that was the best bonding I ever had with my mom.
I picked the last tomatoes yesterday and trimmed out the dead crap in my flower pots. Soon the mums will replace my summer flowers. The leaves are starting to lose there greenness in a couple trees on the block. It’s definitely Labor Day weekend.
I get a bonus night this weekend and have the redheads over in Riverside for three nights. Unfortunately Jerry Lewis is long gone and we won’t be camping out in front of the television.
I’m kind of thinking this hotter than normal Labor Day is like the occasional Easter when it snows. Labor Day is supposed to be the official start of sweatshirts and chili. Just like Easter is the first time for linen pants and summer dresses.
I blame El NiƱo.
It’s great to have football back on the gridiron. Have you ever noticed these first couple weeks when the sun still has a strong angle and the football field is bright with daylight? The crowd is getting sunburned and the players are standing under misting fans.
I prefer the last few games of the season when the sun has an angle in the nosebleed seats. The fans are bundled up and the players are huddled near heaters. That is when football has that romantic feeling for me.
Give me a Grabowski over a Smith anytime.
Tonight is Shepelinni pizza and spaghetti night in The Divorced Dad District of Riverside, Illinois.
Don’t forget to put a smile on the sun today and happy birthday Charlie Sheen…….WINNING.