Thursday, September 28, 2023

September 28th, 2023

      The first express train into the city rumbles quickly through Riverside around 4:54 in the morning. I’m usually finishing up getting dressed for work when the tracks rattle.

I am making good time if I’m sitting on the edge of the bed putting on my shoes when the train passes. I’m running late if I’m still in the shower.
The morning train has more meaning than pushing me out the door and off to work. That was the train that I caught when I lived west of Mannheim Road. It picked me up around 4:48, made one more stop and then expressed to Union Station. Arriving about twelve minutes past five o’clock.
Sometimes when I hear it today, it reminds me of my morning routine from another era. A routine where I had to be quiet not to wake three children and a wife. I had to take Molly for a walk and then drive my Suburban up to the train station.
The sound of the train racing through town helps me in the present and reminds me of the past.
Today’s quote is by Existentialist, Albert Camus. He believed if we stop fighting against the past or worrying about the future, we can accept who we are. What we are doing at the moment is what is important. The present is the only known truth.
There once was a day when I was on that train listening to Spotify and reading the Tribune. Not knowing at the time when the Riverside Water Tower flashed past the train window, it would someday be my home.
All that matters now is when that train is racing through Riverside, I better be heading into my workday.
I have no clue what I’ll be doing in the future when that train passes through in the morning. I could hope and I could daydream where I’ll be when that day comes. Until then… I will settle into the harmony of knowing that today is a damn good day.
For you Cure fans, the song “Killing an Arab” off the “Boys don’t Cry” album is based from the Camus book, “The Stranger.” We try to educate you at The Morning Chalkboard.
Seems like we are in a pattern of gloomy days this week. Today is going to be a great day. Perfect for a grilled cheese and a bowl of tomato basil.
Today is also National Beer drinking Day. Make mine a Lowenbrau.
Even though it might be cloudy… don’t stop putting the smile on the sun!