Nothing is clicking these last couple mornings. Usually I can come up with a story or some words of wisdom, but for some reason…. I’m all bottled up.
The weather this week has been about as early autumnal as you can get. Low fifties over night and upper seventies during the afternoon.
I could talk about fall weather and the memories triggered by the September breezes.
Nothing is coming to mind.
The Redheads were over yesterday for Wednesday visitation. I could talk about the fifty dollar bill at Culvers and math homework that made me feel stupid.
I could talk about George plugging up the toilet and nonchalantly telling me. That’s just a shitty story.
Even though I wrote about it over the weekend. I could talk about my buddy who died twenty two years ago. I could talk about my friend who died two years ago.
Maybe make up a story about a Brooklyn kid and a guy from Indianapolis meeting in heaven. One of the things they like to do when they meet up is mess with me.
Wags and OB whooping it up with Dick Nixon, Gandhi and Johnny Cash. That could be a great tale.
All of these subjects aren’t doing it for me.
Let’s just leave the Thursday Morning Chalkboard to itself.
I quoted a John Lennon song that Fritz and Hazel were singing yesterday.
Hazel told me what she wanted to be for Halloween. So I put down the days left to prepare for Trick or Treat.
I put the smile on the sun and a perfect temperature up in the corner.
If you look at that sunset time you’ll notice we are running out of sunsets after seven o’clock.
Sometimes it’s good to have a week with less drama, less comedy and definitely less tragedy.
Happy Thursday Chalkheads!
….Observe yourself a beautiful day…