The other night I picked up a pizza for the boys that was still in the oven. So I stuck my head in the restaurant and saw a guy that I’ve gotten to know well since moving to Riverside.
He looked tired and warn out. I sat next to him and was greeted with a Ho Hum Hello…. Usually I get a huge smile, a firm handshake and sometimes a hug.
I asked him how things were going and he told me that his son was about to get out of the hospital after another unexpected visit. This gentleman and his wife have a son who has had a condition since he was very young. The condition has involved many visits to the hospital and the young man is limited to a wheelchair.
Actually I feel horrible using the word “limited” in that last sentence. This beautiful boy is a passionate part of the Riverside community. In a way he has made the town stronger.
I sat with this boy’s worrisome father and listened to the latest bout with illness. I watched him hurriedly eat his dinner so he could get things ready for his son’s return home.
My pizza was finished baking and I left my Riverside friend to finish his supper. As I walked over to Betty the Green Blazer I asked my dad to do something for this family. Just steps from Betty I found a dime placed perfectly on the brick sidewalk.
Many of you know my mom leaves me dimes from heaven. I always find them at the most opportune times. I’m thinking after my brief encounter with my friend… that this was an ideal time.
I’m pretty confident my parents are helping the family that I’m talking about this morning. The power of prayer and our Faith is a strong force.
There is a good chance the mom and dad of the beautiful boy are reading this entry. They are both Chalkheads.
Your son puts the smile on the sun everyday. God has given you a tough go, but nobody could do it any better. You have been chosen to unwrap this gift and share it with all of us. Your rocking and rolling child has made the world Mo Betta'.
I’m a firm believer that it takes a village, but you must know that you have given the village so much more in return.
I hope this Chalkboard lifts you up and gives you the strength to keep unwrapping God's gift.