Saturday, September 2, 2023

September 2nd, 2023

       Our parents have a lot to do with us knowing each other. They taught us how to go out and meet new friends. There are great parents out there because I've been blessed with solid friends throughout my life.

For years I called my buddy Billy Hamilton’s mom on February 4th, Billy’s birthday. I’d thank her for blessing me with a dear friend and congratulate her for raising a great man. Mrs. H. passed away and I can’t call her any longer.
So I’m thinking to myself who’s mom can I call on my friend’s birthday?
Today is September 2nd.
Today a buddy of mine that I met on the trading floor in the early 1990’s is spinning a new year around the sun.
This guy coined the term JumboLove at Shinnicks after a Sox game. A Southside girl bought me an Old Style and this guy yelled out…. Jumbo is in love!!! JumboLove!”
….and from that day on the love I made was JumboLove.
This guy saw me sitting alone at that Sox game and walked over and grabbed me. He brought me back to where his family was sitting. That was the first of many times I felt like part of his family.
This guy brought me over to Saint Cletus after I got married. If it wasn’t for him I would have never met more dear friends from that faith community.
This guy coached Cletus football with me. We had many coaches meetings in his garage or over at Kenny’s.
This guy brought me into his family and made me one of those Chicago style uncles. The uncle that isn’t blood, but a close family friend. I went to their house as Santa when his three kids were young. Their oldest yelled out…. “Santa is Uncle Jumbo!”
This guy was there when my marriage ended. He always made sure I wasn’t alone on Thanksgiving or Christmas. He made damn sure I kept my Faith during those early dark years after the divorce.
This is a guy who is not just a dear friend. He’s a good son, a good brother, a good husband and a good father. He is a dear friend to many of you as well.
His mom did a helluva job making him. So later today I’m going to call Mrs. Grace and thank her for giving me a great friend. Her son Michael.
Happy Birthday Michael… I sure as hell appreciate you brother.
It’s going to be a hot Labor Day weekend. Put some meat on the grill, some love between the sheets and never forget to put a smile on the sun.
…and if you are blessed with a great friend. Give their mom a call and give thanks.

The first song I heard this morning contributed to this mornings quote.
Can you name the Rolling Stones song?

....and always think before you talk or you'll end up like Jimmy the Greek!!!