Wednesday, January 5, 2022

January 5th, 2022

 I think the best thing with the Covid numbers going up is we see less news stories of passenger violence on airplanes.

At least I haven’t seen any the last couple weeks.
I haven’t been on a plane in a few years, but I took the Metra into the city during the first ten months of Covid.
It DID piss me off when the same selfish assclowns sat in their same little seats without wearing masks.
We have all seen these guys! We know what towns they board the train in. Many of them had tassels on their loafers.
I’ll admit the thought crossed my mind that these guys needed a little coaxing. But it wasn’t my job and like the Princess in the winter movie sings…… Let it Go!
Crockpot weather is in full force! I think my old crock has one last season left…. This weekend I’m thinking chicken fajitas or pulled pork.