My generation is in the throes of the worst period of history in our lifetime.
Generation X was born during the Vietnam war. Our teeth were cutting during Watergate. Our Pubic hairs started growing during the Iranian Hostage Crisis.
When we finished school and started in the work force the Berlin Wall came Crashing down.
I can keep on going, but this post might look like I’m copying Billy Joel and we didn’t start the fire.
We’ve seen some horrible destruction these last several years.
So our job is to trudge through and bring the best we’ve got to the other side.
I sure as hell don’t know when we will see the other side, but I’m setting a goal.
My goal is the day when I’m putting potting soil in in the planters on my balcony.
I just typed that… looked up at it and thought…. That sounds fucking cheesy. But that’s what
I’m shooting for…. Springtime in Riverside!
When George starts calling me little darling and tells me the sun is coming… I’ll enter the age of creation.
“Springtime in Riverside!”